Saturday, March 13, 2010

Things we still have to discuss

1. Granny's new hip?
2. Bone Doctors convening in town!
3. Evacuation Routes (lord willing)
4. The Clipse?
5. How Not to Talk to Strangers (in the big city)
6. How to work at the Convention Center (parts 1 & now 2!)
7. PaprPapr # 3: NO FLOW
8. Guest Interviews
9. Bryce McCloud
10.The Summertime! (o shit its practically here!!!)
11.Last Summertime
12.New York City
15.Philadelphia & San Francisco
16.Free roaming chickens (specifically roosters)
17.These Things {å∫ç∂´ƒ©˙ˆ∆˚¬µ˜øπœ®ß†¨√∑≈¥Ω (specifically ßø&®∂)
18.These Ones as well {ÅıÇδϩӈÔ˚Ò˜Ø∏Œ®Í†¨√∑≈ÁΩ¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº
19.Coffee and other socially permissable stimulants
20.Summer Reading 2010 (?¢?¢?)
22.Not Atlanta love for you/sleeping well

1 comment:

herself said...

I can assist with items 13, 15, 19, and 20