Tuesday, June 22, 2010

somethig to laugh about

The New Orleans Levee, a fine (free) publication. Always coming with plenty of topical news to skewer.
^Ripping on the NFL and they're trying to claim Whodat! as an official trademark once the Saints were in the Superbowl.

Sunday, June 20, 2010



Thursday, June 17, 2010

the 'Mix pt. 2: 'who'd ever bother reading them?'

Punny. Cheesy. Stupid. Simple. Throw away jokes in a disposable media. Pretty crude. They are simply something to meditate on.

I read them over looking for something funny. If nothing comes up I survey them again for looking for a single panel of good graphics: the implied cityscape of Curtis' urban habitat, balloon letters that spell out the sound of a cake hitting the ground, the shift in light that causes the characters to turn to silhouettes for just a single panel. There's always something.

I don't know what the word 'Zen' means but that may be the closest thing I can come up with to describe it. A world of wisdom contained within a 2.5 sq/in frame. Tucked inside the least important section of the daily newspaper. And that day's edition itself will be obsolete and out-dated by tomorrows printing. Throw it away and onto the next one.

It's easy to overlook them. A lot of them are stupid and the punchlines are lame. But that's only if you read them as quickly as possible, left to right, bottom to top and then onto the next page. Look them over again though, look over them until you find something to laugh at. I truly believe we must laugh to keep from crying. How else can we be expected to endure the rest of this world?

The blog Garfield minus Garfield (.net, check it out) was so successful it spawned an entire retrospective book of revised Garfield panels. In the introduction Jim Davis admits what has been so obvious all these years but somehow hidden in plain sight: Garfield's owner John is a sad, lonely man. He also happens to own a cat.

Take out one element in an already tiny composition and everything changes. Remove the unnecessary punchline and things turn from cheesy to surreal. Just imagine how beautiful the woods are before Hagar and Eddie emerge into the first frame. I could get lost all day inside there.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This came in the mail today

Today was a red letter day. So much good stuff going on today that I didn't get around to writing as about it as I would like. Good thing I've got tomorrow off too. Aw yes...

PS: On the back of the photo it says "you and me at prom '72"

The 'mix pt. 1

Comix are an important part of a balanced media meal. I've always been a fan but I find myslef turning to them with even more anticipation these days, ever hopeful they can balance out the black news of the front section. Somedays they come thru for me and it makes me want to scan and praise them. more to come soon

Dustin is all about a dude named Dustin, sort of like Zits is all about a dude named Jeremy Duncan. The two families might as well live in the same exact suburb in the same city in a different state. Dustin's mom has a good job for a radio station where she dispenses advice. Dustin's dad is just well-off in that vague, white way that you just assume by looking at him. Dustin is 23 and can't get a job. This is a continuous theme each day and continues to be funny to me too.

History: What it is

James Carville...

&*$^#%*!!??*#! Keeping the Faith ^^^^^^^

Now for some selections selected most randomously to be said in Prayer with true faith

Fire Blazing- Not to be Qunched- Provided with Flames, Far-Reaching of Hand

May I walk thru the house of darkness
O ye Gods who hear speech, Ye Chiefs who are among the followers of Osiris O Gods: Speaketh the God with me.
He heareth right and true what I speak to him,
Speak for me then Osiris;
Grant thou the revolution coming forth from thy mouth.

May I see your forms, May I understand your soul.

He hath made an end of disasters
He hath removed the injury of the souls

May I gain power over it,
may I know it.

I have sailed in its waters
so that I may come forth in its towns...

Lets start it off like this

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Running on 'E'

Big time and bankysesque in Knoxville, Tennessee

this time last year

Special guest Postor John Frum who took all of these