Thursday, February 26, 2009

xxx READ MORE xxx

Every few months it seems I get turned on to a really good book to read that I could recommend to anybody at anytime. They are the kind of books that completely absorb me when I begin reading them and leave me hungry to pick them back up when I put them down but that require time and thought to digest what was written. BOMB THE SUBURBS was one of these books as was THE TEENAGE LIBERATION HANDBOOK, which I'll get around to later.

Lately though the book that has split open my head and challenges me to reexamine the world is this one: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X with Alex Haley. The way this man lived his life so earnestly and recounts it so honestly is enough to make me tremble with fear of God and the incredible potential of a single human being. I'll have to reread this one later because I know I didn't pick it all up. I do know enough now to say that this was a man set free by the truth. Whoa.

Here's a random page from when he lived in a Harlem as a hustler. The whole book, by the way, was covered in with these yellow highlighted passages, all 500 pages. And there were half erased notes in pencil along the margins. Obviously this copy has spoken to more souls than just mine.

1 comment:

Katie Ries said...

Check out the poem by Black Atticus entitled "Believers of Love". Ah yes. Weapons of mass jubilation.