Monday, November 23, 2009

1994: Grungy Pron Trolls

Pretty funky day with spitty rain and grey skies from the morning on. Left me feeling sort of bummed and sleepy at work. But hooray for the used book stores and record shops of America that are still in existence and God Bless Nashville's own, the Great Escape. This purchase sort of made my day...("NYPD Nude" [ Insert stuttery Beavis & ButtHead laugh here] "Huh-Huh...Yeah")
I bought it for the price but I totally just read it for the articles. Check it out though for real: Interesting obit & crit of Kurt Cobain and the "GenX" label.

Totally worth the 99cents. I did not remember the internet being in effect in 1994, much less the now-common usuage of the word "troll".

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