Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The 'mix pt. 1

Comix are an important part of a balanced media meal. I've always been a fan but I find myslef turning to them with even more anticipation these days, ever hopeful they can balance out the black news of the front section. Somedays they come thru for me and it makes me want to scan and praise them. more to come soon

Dustin is all about a dude named Dustin, sort of like Zits is all about a dude named Jeremy Duncan. The two families might as well live in the same exact suburb in the same city in a different state. Dustin's mom has a good job for a radio station where she dispenses advice. Dustin's dad is just well-off in that vague, white way that you just assume by looking at him. Dustin is 23 and can't get a job. This is a continuous theme each day and continues to be funny to me too.

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