Thursday, May 29, 2008

Inspiration= new faith in government

Here is another good find pulled from the recycling bin. This article raises an interesting question about whether or not art can actually have a profound social impact. Does the art Obama's campaign has inspired really matter? I, of course, say yes. Even though a poster may still just be poster, all people need to exercise their talents when the inspiration comes. To deny our creative potential is stifling and damaging to ourselves. When we take hold of inspiration and work to actualize it into to something like a cool design then other people see this and become inspired themselves. This cycle of inspiration motivates more production and more creativity. So although one poster may not save the world (or one candidate for that matter) it is still one step towards progress.

Another more simple way I look at it is this:

Barack Obama's encourages people's optimism and hope which inspired creation of art.
George Bush's played on people's fears and distrust which inspired xenophobia and shopping.

I figure we can only go up from here, one poster at a time.

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