Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It has begun!

Christmas in May! When all the dumb children throw out the goods Santa gave them into large dumpsters outside their dorms. I cleaned out my room in anticipation today, making space for all the new stuff I'll soon come across. Tonight Chris and I made our first intial sweep of 8 of the residence halls on campus. At the first one a couple of brahs shouted at us:

"Oh my god, look at those dudes! Their inside the dumpster. What the hell are you guys doing???"

"Um picking throw your stuff, dipshits," I mumbled under my breath. I'm not in this for confrontation, just the goods. Like your fan, brah. I took it up to the lounge to test it and...sure enough it worked fine. First score of the night.

By the end of the night, I ended up with two fans, a Lupe Fiasco poster, small dry erase board with plenty of markers, a pad of graph paper, some coat hangers I need for my closet, a box of unopened daily contact lenses ( I don't wear glasses but I'm thinking somebody might use these, don't know though. They are still sterile and everything since they are packaged individually and inside a box wrapped in plastic), one of those energy saving lightbulbs (I don't need a lamp, which are always plentiful, but I figured the bulbs will come in handy), a set of scrub pants and shirt to be colored on, a color ink cartridge (removed from a smashed printer scanner! It must've been dropped from the second story into the dumpster below. I'm hoping to snag one of those intact before this is all over. Last year I got two and gave them both away), and best of all this mix CD.

It comes complete with a track listing and its not half bad at all. Strange though considering the date; I don't think this was meant to be thrown out. I wonder who Sam is..?

"Listen to everyone. It all means something"

Amen to that. And this is just the first night of diving...

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