Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mission Accomplished: dumpsters dived, more treasures found

We, the students, keep moving out and the red dumpsters continue to be fed. The underclassmen moved out of their dorms on the 11th and then the graduating seniors had to be out on the 17th, the day after commencement, so i was going to declare today an end to all major combat operations.

However the struggle lives on as i learned to today when I was drawn back uptown like a moth to a flame. The first dumpster I saw had a messenger bag tantalizingly hanging on the outside. It was a clean, well-built specimen that the owner had obviously wanted to go to a good home. I took it as a good omen but passed it up and peered inside instead. It was almost empty but laden with good.

What I found was my third fan for the new apartment (the second oscillating one), a dartboard with 3 darts (that I want to trade to anyone interested), a hand mixer for baking and such (that I believe I 'll give to my hostesses at tonight's banquet on broadway), and this gun which I'm most excited about and will also be attending tonights banquet:

Only one foam dart is missing. I also got these:.

And inside a shoebox labeled "Eurpoe Scraps" I found these french coins. They were buried beneath countless ticket stubs and museum passes that obivously represented a long and storied trip abroad to numerous European countries but that never quite made it to the fabled scrapbook that was planned for their preservation. Bummer, I have a shoebox like that myslef back in my folks home. The coins apparently were purchased for 6 Euro and depict various kings of France. Cool, I guess I'm a coin collector again now:

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